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Slanman supply all kinds of clothing display racks, display tables, mirrors, fitting rooms, etc. OEM / ODM .


Bridal Boutique Dress gold meta Racks with a Modern Elegance

Wedding dress shop  Fixtures Retail Display Stand for Hanging Clothes

 Bridal Boutique Dress gold meta Racks with a Modern Elegance

Practically speaking, the racks are very functional. Pipe and fittings give great strength to the rack, ensuring that the racks will hold up under the weight of many dresses. Several different styles of racks were created to display clothing on both the walls and on the floor. Several floor racks break up the space and can be easily moved to accommodate changes in layout. Wall racks were mounted higher off the ground to accommodate the full length of a bridal dress.

Slanman Wedding dress display rack took full advantage of our design team. Working with our team they were able to arrive at the ideal solution for their new boutique. You can work with our team too. Contact us for information about building dress racks for your boutique.

Bridal Store Interior Design Shinny Gold Wedding Dress Display Rack Stand Bridal Gown Display Showcase