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Slanman supply all kinds of clothing display racks, display tables, mirrors, fitting rooms, etc. OEM / ODM .


how to display dresses in a boutique

how to display dresses in a boutique

Browse different ideas to display your store's merchandise from wall mounted & free standing clothing racks, signage, shelving, window, displays, and more:

how to display dresses in a boutique
When building or redesigning your retail store, it's important to think about the look and flow of the store. You want your merchandise to be showcased properly and your displays to match the aesthetics of your brand. You also want all of that in a high-quality and affordable package.
Wall Mounted Clothing Racks
1.DIY Garment Rack
This wall mounted clothing rack features pipe that was painted black while the fittings were left in their original, silver finish to create a unique look for this showroom. Todd built this clothing rack because he wanted something unique, stylish, and modern.
how to display dresses in a boutique
2.T-shirt & Jean Display
This unique design makes use of the Rail Support fitting to support the shelves and create a "floating" appearance. It also features a "winding" design to hang the store's jeans by making use of the Hook fitting.
3.Sock Display
This fixture uses Kee Klamp fittings and pipe to create a stand and attach the pallet-style display to showcase this store's collection of socks. The display is attached to the pipe using the M50 fitting.

how to display dresses in a boutique
4.Wall & Ground Mounted Clothing Rack
This clothing rack by Philippe Hass Bespoke Tailoring is mounted to the wall and ground using the Flange fitting. It also features incorporated shelving made possible using the Single Socket Tee fitting. The rack is 5 ft. wide by 8 ft. tall.

how to display dresses in a boutique
5.Wall Mounted Clothing Rack with Shelving
Again, this rack is attached to the wall and ground just as the previous example. However, rather than simply resting the shelves across an intersection made in the rack, this design makes us of the Rail Support fitting to attach the shelving and create a "floating" appearance. Finally, single wall racks are created on both sides using a Flange fitting, length of pipe, and a Malleable Plug to cap off the pipe.

how to display dresses in a boutique
5.Wall Mounted Clothing Rack & Display
This clothing rack is also attached to the wall and ground using the Flange fitting. The horizontal bar for hanging clothing is created using the Single Socket Tee fitting. Finally, a shelf at the top is attached to the frame using the M50 fitting.

how to display dresses in a boutique